According to a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, it may be possible to boost memory with a plant compound called epicatechin. This chemical compound is found in several foods and drinks like tea, cocoa, blueberries and grapes.
The Research suggests that epicatechin could help spatial memory, especially when combined with an exercise routine. How exactly does epicatechin work or function isn’t yet clear though.
This research was perfromed on mice. They were divided into two groups. Once was given epicatechin and the other group was not. After putting them through a pre-decided regime of eating and making them run a few hours everyday (exercising) and training the mice to navigate a watery maze were to be finally tested whether eating the right foods and exercising improved their memory. This routine continued for a few weeks.
The Researchers observed signs of blood vessel growth in the brains of the mice that were given epicatechin. The mice that consumed epicatechin turned out better at memorizing the maze than the mice that did not get epicatechin. The mice that cosnumed the chemical compount and also went through the exercising routine did better than everyone!
Consuming antioxidant-rich foods like apples or apple juice may help reduce problems associated with memory loss, according to a research by Thomas Shea, PhD, Director of The Center for Cellular Neurobiology & Neurodegeneration Research at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The study shows consuming apple juice may improve memory by preventing the loss (due to age) of an essential neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.
Oats Boosts Memory: Researchers from Tufts University took to studying children’s breakfast eating habits appear to show that youngsters who eat oatmeal at the start of the day performed better in memory, concentration, and attention tests as compared to kids who did not have oats or did not have breakfast at all.
According to Priscilla Samuel, director of the Nutrition Research Program at Quaker Oats and co-author of this breakfast study among kids found that oatmeal was rich a whole grain full of high fiber and protein attributes. It is believed to be one of the primary factors that influence spatial memory performance in young children.
Music Boosts Energy: In a report published in the online edition of the journal Brain, a Canadian study showed that young children who engaged in some form of music lessons developed better memory function as compared to same-age kids who did not go for any musical training.
A study done by Laurel Trainor, professor of psychology, neuroscience and behavior at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario observed a very interesting thing, that children taking music lessons improved more with years on general memory skills which are correlated with abilities not directly related to music like literacy, verbal memory, Visio-spatial processing, mathematics and IQ.
Likewise for aged people memory loss is a natural phenomenon. Including Folic acid in supplement will decline this process of memory loss.