Cervical Dysplasia Is Not Cancer

If you or anyone you know has been diagnosed with Cervical Dysplasia, please remember that it is not the same as being diagnosed with cancer.

It could be a pre-courser or there is a possibility that it may develop into cancer of the cervix.

However, that too only your doctor can confirm after checking out the degree and depth of Cervical Dysplasia.

Cervical Dysplasia is not a cancer and it is curable.

You will find useful information about the illness, its treatment and effects.

What is Cervical Dysplasia?

cervical diseases

1- Abnormal growth of cervical cells leads to Cervical Dysplasia.

2- It’s a sexually transmitted disease and common among women between 25-35.

3- Both young and old women are at an equal risk of being affected with Cervical Dysplasia.

4- Those who have had multiple sexual partners and who were indulging in sexual intercourse before they were 18 are more likely to get cervical sysplasia.

5- The second reason is too little amount of folic acid in one’s daily diet intake and cigarette smoking.

Followup after the Treatment for Cervical Dysplasia

After the treatments for Cervical Dysplasia one needs to get check up every six months or as per doctor’s suggestion as it has chances of relapse or re-occurring.

The HPV is the main cause of this infection.

Therefore it is advisable that the partner should also check and treat for the HPV, so that the chances of re-occurrence in his women partners can be reduce.

Can you Get Pregnant while doing Treatments for Cervical Dysplasia?

One of the most common questions that women ask is will Cervical Dysplasia treatment allow them to get pregnant and have babies.

Loop is a very safe treatment and ideal diagnose and treatment in time, majority of the women have a safe and healthy pregnancy.

However, in exceptional cases there is a chance that cervix is not able to stay close during pregnancy and as a result the chances of miscarriage increase.

Tightening and narrowing of the cervix may result in difficulty in cervix in dilating during labor.

As per research Cervical Dysplasia sometimes ends up making those women sterile.

This Infertility and Cervical Dysplasia angle is still under observation and research.

If you have a history of LEEP procedure when you conceive you must disclose it to your doctor right at the start.

It will help the doctor to plan a safe and easy pregnancy route for you.

Why You Might Get Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer is still an unknown entity.

Doctors and researchers are uncertain about what causes it or what it stems from.

So, all women are, to a certain degree, at risk for cervical cancer.

However, certain factors are not include in as a possibly causing or increasing a woman’s chances of developing cervical cancer.

Women who have started having sex at a young age may be more vulnerable to cervical cancer.

This could be because the developing cells in a young woman’s cervix are delicate-unlike an older woman’s cervical cells, which are likely to be more mature.

So it is more possible that they will be damage by the slight scraping by recurrent intercourse.

Smoking and Cervical Cancer

The exact link between cigarette smoking and cervical cancer has not been found.

There are certain chemicals in cigarettes and cigarette smoke that have been identified in the tissues of the cervix of women who smoke.

Researchers believe that these chemicals may affect cervical cells and damage their ability to ward off infection, as well as make them more susceptible to irregular development.

Linking the two factors above we can say that young women who smoke and have sex often double the risk of developing cervical cancer.

Link between STD and Cervical Cancer

The link between sexually transmitted diseases or STDs, as they are known as cervical cancer has yet to be establish.

But STDs are increasing the risk on the whole.

For that matter, the association between HIV and cervical cancer is strong enough that women who have the virus are now must to get a Pap smear test every six months.

Women who have many partners have a greater chance of getting the STD.

Teenagers are particularly vulnerable, especially for the human papilloma virus (HPV) and herpes.

A few types of HPV cause cervical cancer:

Also, a woman with only one partner can still be at risk for STDs if her partner has many other partners.

The risk of cervical cancer increases as a woman grows older.

Women who have reached menopause think they no longer need to have a Pap test when, in fact, cervical cancer in older women tends to be more developed.

Race also plays a part in the development of cervical cancer. It is not, however, hereditary and may not pass from mother to daughter.

Testing Times with Cervical Cancer

Doctors recommend that women start going for cervical cancer text as soon as they are 21.

In fact they even recommend it for younger girls who are sexually active.

There are various kinds of tests to examine the cervix and detect cervical cancer.

All women are aware of that a Pap smear is a mandatory procedure and they have to go for it every year if it’s possible.

In a Pap smear, cells are scrape off the surface of the cervix and vagina with cotton or a brush and then will be exam with a microscope to detect if they are abnormal.

This test can even find changes that may lead to cervical cancer in the future.

This is the best way to detect cervical cancer in the early stages.

This is a procedure that looks inside the vagina and cervix for abnormalities.

Tissue samples can also be via a biopsy.

If abnormalities are confirm by either a Pap smear or a colonoscopy, the physician may ask for a biopsy as well.

In this a tissue sample that cut from the cervix and examine by a pathologist to check for indications of cancer.

Doctors or nurses also do a pelvic exam to check for signs of the disease.

Another test that is necessary to check for cervical cancer is the endocervical curettage – a procedure in which a spoon-like instrument is use to scrape the lining of the cervix.

The same sample may be use in a biopsy.

This test can be combine with a colonoscopy.

Most of these tests are good to test for cervical cancer once abnormal changes are visible in the body.

But as a precautionary measure women should have a Pap smear test on a regular basis.

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