Antioxidants Found in Tea Are A Must For Healthy Skin

Skin is the envelope of our body. It performs many important functions like external protection, regulation of temperature, sensory detection, and toxin removal to make a few.

Quality of skin’s texture and look depend on its exposure to polluted and harmful environmental, diet and topical care.

To have a healthy looking skin, care and nourishment play an important role.

We should keep an important thing in mind while nourishing and pampering our skin and that by giving appropriate and adequate care to skin cells during their earliest stages of development, so that the older cells look and function at their optimum best.

Coming to properties of tea in rejuvenating and nourishing your skin – red, white, green, and black teas from around various parts of world have been used for decades to treat several medical problems. Tea has been widely recognized for its health-promoting properties.

Tea is rich in antioxidants.

Tea extracts  topically applied, helps one to have healthy and youthful skin.

Researches have confirmed that tea not only has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties but also anti-cancer benefits.

Combined with other skin protection and skin care topical agents, tea enhances their effects.

This synergy results in improved texture of skin and its appearance is fresh and healthy.

Exfoliation allows active tea constituents to penetrate into the skin more effectively.

Tea has some very important vitamins like C and E, flavonoids and carotenoids responsible for skin health.

Vitamin C as known helps to decreases production of the pigment melanin, resulting in lighter and fresher looking skin, fewer wrinkles. Vitamin C facilitates healing and skin repair after damage or injury.

Vitamin E has anti oxidant properties and performs the function of reducing free radicals in the skin.

Carotenoids present in tea have fat-soluble antioxidants property that helps quench free radicals generated by ultraviolet rays.

Oral and topical use of tea helps to prevent photo aging and cancers of the skin. This is due to presence of flayoniods.

Tea optimizes SOD levels. SOD is an enzyme responsible for quenching excess super oxide radicals and other reactive oxygen species.

As we get closer to 60 our SOD level reduces. Factors other than age are sunlight, pollution, and diet, which reduce oxygen level in the body that affects the skin. Tea helps to level the SOD.

For a healthy looking skin continuous use of topical products containing tea as an ingredient in combination with exfoliating agents is advised by experts and researches.

Most of all eating a balanced diet rich in flavonoids found in bright colored veggies and fruits help you have and preserve healthy and beautiful skin.

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