Symptoms of Accoustic Neuroma – A Type of Brain Cancer

What are the symptoms of Accoustic Neuroma which is a type of brain cancer?

Brain Cells are fashioned to develop in a certain order but when such an order is disrupted or starts to grow out of turn then possibility of formation of lump in the brain increases which could be benign or malignant.

Benign growth is not likely to spread on to other parts where as in the malignant lump the chance of it spreading to other parts is likely.

The acoustic neuroma develops from schwann cells.

These cells cover the nerve and is therfore this type of tumor is sometimes referred to as schwannoma.

This benign tumour grows at a slow pace and does not spread from its place of origination within the brain.

An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor that develops from the lining of the auditory nerve. This nerve is responsible for balance. Continue reading “Symptoms of Accoustic Neuroma – A Type of Brain Cancer”

Cancer Treatment Clinical Trials Checklist

Nobody can advice or suggest you or anybody for that matter, to opt for cancer treatment clinical trials. It is you, who with the help of your doctor and family members are the right person and in the best position to decide whether a clinical trial is right for you.

It is important that you try to learn about the following things while you are gathering information you need to begin your search for a clinical trial. You need to understand about clinical trials. You need to identify sources of the list of such clinical trials. Learn in detail about the clinical trials that may benefit you. You have to ask questions that will help you to decide whether or not you want to participate in some specific trial. Continue reading “Cancer Treatment Clinical Trials Checklist”

Recognizing Penile Cancer Symptoms and Treating It

Penile cancer is rare in the United States, affecting about one in 100,000 men, and this rarity is attributed to the practice of circumcision at birth.

Men in South American countries and in India are more likely to develop this cancer. Penile cancer develops slowly and, if discovered early, can be cured.

The cancer grows along the shaft of the penile or the head or foreskin. Men generally do not seek medical help even if they experience symptoms until the cancer has developed to a later stage. Continue reading “Recognizing Penile Cancer Symptoms and Treating It”

Explaining Cancer to a Child

The explaining of cancer to a child is not a necessary step to tell the children in detail.

Once your child has been diagnosed with cancer the next difficult aspect is explaining to him that he has this disease.

You may want to shield your child from the knowledge but you do him no good because he is going to sense that something is wrong with him. And since he will be making frequent trips to the hospital and seeing a doctor he will know that he may be ill.

He may also be intuitive enough to feel that you are worried or afraid about something. Some children may feel that they are being punished for some action of theirs.

Someone may let slip that they have cancer and then your child will trust you less for not having given him the information. So it’s best to be upfront and honest and tell him about it otherwise he may get the wrong idea.

Continue reading “Explaining Cancer to a Child”

How to Stay Active During Cancer Treatment

Cancer treatments do fight cancer but at the same time they can very well affect and alter your daily schedule. It’s advisable and helps to know about common side effects and deal with them effectively.

Things like trying effectively to fight fatigue, adopt ways that will help the patient maintain a healthy quality of life while undergoing cancer treatment.

There are several ways to remain active during cancer treatment.

Continue reading “How to Stay Active During Cancer Treatment”

Recommended Healthy Lifestyle To Reduce Cancer Risk

The questions here may have crossed your mind many a times, is it possible to prevent cancer or reduce risk of getting cancer?

How can cancer be diagnosed in time so that survival and treatment will be less painful and expensive?

What about the risk factors for cancer of different types?

Does the fact that cancer runs in your family, worry you?

Are you constantly exposed to tobacco or environmental hazards like chemicals, poisonous gas or something?

Do you want to stay and lead a healthy life?

Find answers to these questions through this piece of information.

Continue reading “Recommended Healthy Lifestyle To Reduce Cancer Risk”

Spotlight on Pancreatic Cancer

With the death of Luciano Pavarotti from pancreatic cancer the spotlight is rather on this disease and how it occurs.

It is a serious cancer that develops because cancerous cells build up in pancreatic tissues. The pancreas produces digestive enzymes that break down the food we eat, producing hormones such as insulin that control the blood sugar levels in our body.

These hormones also help to control the carbohydrate metabolism.

The danger with pancreatic cancer is that it is difficult to diagnose and unlikely to be detected in its early stages but then spreads very rapidly. Its symptoms may not manifest themselves until the cancer is at an advanced stage by which time it would have metastasized in various other parts of the body and treatment such as surgery may not be possible. Continue reading “Spotlight on Pancreatic Cancer”

Can Wheat Allergy or What Intolerance Cause Cancer?

It is not incorrect, just unusual in terms of information that wheat allergy can be harmful to the extent that it can cause cancer.

But it is true. The studies and researches have shown that gluten, a protein found in wheat can cause cancer and may other health related problems.

Wheat for most people is a preferred and comfort food.

Be it bread, pasta, bagels or pretty much anything along those lines. It is a universally accepted and a chosen and preferred food for most. But if your body has intolerance for wheat it can be a cause of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in future. And the wheat allergy shows very obviously and can be rather severe and include weight-loss, bowel disorders and diarrhea. Continue reading “Can Wheat Allergy or What Intolerance Cause Cancer?”

Colorectal Cancer Related Information

Colorectal cancer is type of cancer that develops in the colon (or large intestine) or rectum. Mostly beginning as a small clump of cells known as polyp, which become cancerous and attack and infect the wall of the intestine.

There are certain types of polyps. Important ones are Adenomatous polyps or Adenomas, which have the potential to become cancerous. Adenocarcinomas are cancers of the glandular cells which line or affect the inside layer of the wall of the colon and rectum. These cancer cells may also spread into other parts of the body, and new tumors can thus be formed. This process is called metastasis. Continue reading “Colorectal Cancer Related Information”

Ideal Diet to Prevent Prostrate Cancer

About one-third of American men have microscopic signs of prostate cancer by the time they hit fifty.

When they are 75, approximately 50% to 75% of men undergo some changes in their prostate glands that may be cancerous. In spite of this dreadful statistic NOT all these men would eventually die from prostate cancer.

A report says that about 16 percent of American men are diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime but only 8 percent develop significant symptoms; and only 3 percent die of the disease.

Many men are diagnosed with prostate cancer, but they have no idea that if they do not treat the symptoms on time it may grow deadly. Experts have not yet confirmed research about which prostate cancers will prove deadly and which won’t.

There are some types of prostate cancer, which won’t prove dangerous and will simply exist. They won’t be life threatening in anyway. At research institutes they are still working on it and trying to find more about prostate cancer. Continue reading “Ideal Diet to Prevent Prostrate Cancer”