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Does Garlic Fight Cancer?


There is always a question about does garlic fights cancer or not, and we’re going to explain it in this article in detail.

Garlic is known for its health-related compounds and properties. Be it for bringing down blood pressure, reducing cholesterol level, or anti-bacterial properties. But whether garlic can fight cancer or is garlic an effective inhibitor of the cancer process is yet to be confirmed.


Health Properties of The Allum Compounds in Garlic

The health properties and benefits of the allium compounds found in garlic have been given wide publicity and recognition.

Taking into account the compelling shreds of evidence and success rate of cases under observation, garlic is under study by various leading institutes for its ability to fight or reduce cancer risk or by slowing the process of cell division.

There is not exact and verified evidence at this time to support a specific role herb/vegetable plays in cancer prevention.

Studies will go on before definitive conclusions can be drawn about the cancer-fighting ability of garlic and other health benefits.

How Garlic Fights Cancer?

Researches have observed many abilities and chemical compounds in garlic that can fight cancer. One compound found in garlic is allyl sulfur.

Allyl sulfur can slow down or damage the progress of tumor or cancerous cell growth, nipping the disease at the embryonic stage—allyl sulfur compounds, which occur naturally in garlic and onions.

For garlic to have the above effects in the body, there is a guaranteed way to go about it.

If garlic is peeled and cooked in the same stroke (both processes happening right after each other), it looses all its properties.

Garlic should be peeled, crushed, and cut or powdered and allowed at least 15-20 minutes for the release of an enzyme called alliinase.

This alliance causes a reaction that helps fighting cancer. And when Garlic is cooked immediately, it’s this alliinase enzyme, which been lost in the process.

However, it is not clear how much garlic needs to be consumed, in what kind of preparations or for how long to continue taking the vegetable.


Moreover, over consumption of garlic can result in:

  • A decrease in serum protein and level of calcium
  • Can adversely affect bronchial asthma
  • It’s yet to be verified in humans, but research shows over consumption of garlic may affect the production of sperm in males.
  • Other ill effects are bad skin and breath odor, allergic reactions, stomach disorders, and diarrhea, etc.

So don’t believe everything people say. If it concerns your health, try and find more information.

What’s good for us may not be suitable for others. What works for us may not work for others. Your metabolism may differ from that of other persons. We needn’t take chances with our health.

The Garlic-Breast Cancer Prevention Connection

According to the National Cancer Institute, Several population studies show an association between increased intake of garlic and reduced risk of certain cancers, including cancers of the stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas, and breast.

One of the most impressive studies was conducted in 2006 and was part of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), an on-going worldwide study on cancer and nutrition. Taking data from both women and men in 10 different countries, EPIC researchers discovered that a higher intake of both garlic and onions were connected with a lower risk of intestinal cancer. Other population studies confirm similar results for colon, esophageal, pancreaticand stomach cancer.

The results for studies that connect garlic to breast cancer reduction are even more impressive. A French study found that consuming garlic, as well as onions and more fiber, led to reduced breast cancer risk that was considered statistically significant by the researchers. And a study conducted by Egyptian researchers at Mansoura University found thatAllicinsupplementation could decrease the liver toxicity associated with Tamoxifen in animal models. Tamoxifen is a common drug administered as part of traditional breast cancer treatment protocols and liver damage is often par for the course for the millions of women who take it.

Allicinas well as other phytonutrients, especially selenium and flavonoids found in garlic, may produce such great results against breast cancer and other cancers not only because they help the liver to detox carcinogens, but because they may also directly inhibit free radical production, according to a 2001 Tufts University investigation. Garlic may also induce apoptosis, andAllicinin particular may even encourage DNA repair.[note]https://beatcancer.org/blog-posts/garlic-studies-confirm-it-s-a-cancer-preventer[/note]

Garlic for Health or Curries!

Another well-known health remedy has been knocked on the head, well not exactly a treatment, but it is known for its powers to help keep our hearts healthy. Millions of people buy the pills believing that they will help to lower their blood cholesterol and possibly their blood pressure.

It is added to curries and meals not only for the flavor but because people believe in its health benefits. Yes, I am talking about Garlic that little creamy looking bulb that sells in their millions. It seems that different researchers have different results to others.

European researchers have recently done a study on 90 overweight smokers. They found that people who took a Garlic powder supplement for three months showed no change in their cholesterol levels or other heart disease risks.

Conflicting evidence from the American Journal of clinical nutrition stated that several studies found that Garlic supplements may help to lower blood cholesterol and possibly blood pressure. In contrast, other studies failed to find any benefits.

Of the 90 adults that were selected for the tests, a third received 2 grams of the garlic supplement each day, another third took 40 milligrams of Lipitor each day. The rest were given inactive placebo pills. Compared with the placebo group, the Lipitor group had, on average, a 53% drop in (bad) LDL cholesterol, a 20 percent dip in CRP levels, and a 42 percent decline in TNF-alpha.

The study found that the garlic group showed no apparent differences from the placebo group. The findings suggest that garlic powder — and probably garlic in general — “has no relevant place” in preventing or treating high cholesterol or the inflammation that marks artery damage.

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