Nasal Cavity or Paranasal Sinus Cancer is a rare type of cancer. It doesn’t run in the family either. Meaning if someone in your family, that is your parent or grandparent suffered from Nasal Cavity or Paranasal Sinus Cancer, you are not at an increased risk of getting it.
People associate many things with this cancer like HPV infection, exposure to asbestos and passive smoking. But none of them have been proved as a definite cause to getting Para nasal Sinus Cancer. What are considered major risks; include smoking & exposure to chemical.
If you smoke cigarettes, bidis, cigars anything you are at an increased risk of developing nasal cavity cancer. Cigarettes contain nitrosamines, a cancer causing chemical. Before the smoke reaches lungs it passes through nasal cavity. And this increases the risk of nasal cavity cancer.
So if you have been smoking for a long time you are at a higher risk of getting Nasal Cavity or Paranasal Sinus Cancer that a person who does not smoke. Also once you quit smoking your chances of not getting this type of cancer reduces.
Likewise exposure to chemicals at work or in the environment you live over a long period of time can increase your risk of getting Nasal Cavity or Paranasal Sinus Cancer.
E.g. exposure to wood dust if you are working in the furniture factory can increase the risk of this type of cancer. Other chemicals or environment likely to increase the risk include, chromium dust, nickel, Formaldehyde – it’s a chemical that is used in industries to produce types of chemicals, glues, chemicals used in shoes & furniture factory etc.
Possible symptom of Nasal Cavity or Paranasal Sinus Cancer may include persistent blockage of nose on one side. Nose bleeding is another common symptom. Experiencing loss of sense of smell. A person affected with this cancer can also experience mucus draining back into nose and throat.
Eye Symptoms may include bulging of one eye, partial loss of vision, pain above and below the eyes, double vision and tears running down the eyes continuously.
Symptoms other than eyes and nose may include pressure in your ears, growth or lump formation anywhere on your face. Partial numbness on some parts of your face especially upper part of your cheek, difficulty in opening mouth etc.
If you experience one or more of these symptoms that do not go away in spite of medication it’s time to take a more serious note and second opinion.