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Wheat Bread For Better Health

I’m sure there are many of you who remember making sandwiches with IronKids white bread when you were young. So delicious, with all the benefits of wheat! But now white bread is under the microscope, criticized for being highly processed and not containing many nutrients. Apparently, it is not so healthy after all. Wheat bread is a viable substitute.

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Eye Cancer — A Rare Possibility

Eye cancer! Did you ever think that the eye could be affected by cancer? Cancers of the eye develop from tissue just like other parts of the body.

The eye is made up of the eyeball, the orbit, and the adnexal structures. The eyeball or globe is made up of the uvea and the retina. Cancers that affects these parts are called intraocular, orbital or adnexal cancers.

Intraocular cancers are the most common eye cancers. The primary cancer starts inside the eyeball and may be melanoma or primary introcular lymphoma. Children usually develop retinoblastoma as the cancer develops in retinal cells. Continue reading “Eye Cancer — A Rare Possibility”

Smoking – What Beyond Lung Cancer?

The word; “Smoking” is a general word, but smoking what beyond lung cancer is the main question.

Smoking any type of smoke is harmful on our body especially lung since it’s direct affect.

Cigarette has a FRENCH origin. It means a cylinder of tobacco rolled in paper for smoking.

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Pancreatic Cancer – Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatments

The pancreas is a fish shaped small and spongy organ lying under the curvature of the stomach and deep inside the abdomen. Two major functions of pancreas are to produce enzymes useful for the digesting food and to secrete hormones, which help to maintain and regulate sugar levels in the body in a big way.

Cancer can start virtually from any kind of cell in the body. As far as pancreatic cancer is concerned – 95% of cases arise from the exocrine portion of the organ. About 75% of exocrine tumors start in the head and neck of the pancreas, the parts where the pancreatic duct runs just before it meets the duodenum. Like any other cancer pancreatic cancer is also caused by the mutations of a gene, which confer increased abnormal growth potential to cells. Continue reading “Pancreatic Cancer – Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Treatments”

Morning Sickness and Miscarriage In Pregnant Women

Morning sickness among pregnant women is a common experience of discomfort. It’s actually one the most talked about and unpleasant aspect of being pregnant. People believe in different things about morning sickness.

Some think it’s a sign of healthy pregnancy while others trash it saying there is nothing to confirm the fact. Studies have been conducted by leading medical research groups and it has been found that morning sickness, nausea, and vomiting during pregnancy is a sign of lower chances of miscarriage.

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A Glass of Hot Water After Meals May Reduce Cancer Risk

Drinking a glass of hot water after each meal may reduce cancer risk.

It’s a normal practice to drink water during or after meals. Different schools of thought go by different philosophies. Some suggest not drinking water during or after meal is not advisable as it dissolves enzymes and acids that are secreted to help digestion.

Drinking water 15-20 minutes after meals is considered ideal.

Some people who are dieting believe in drinking several glasses of water a little before meals. It reduces hunger and as a result the amount of food we would otherwise have eaten. Many such theories are doing the rounds all the time basically encouraging healthy life free of diseases and complications.

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Everyone Over 20 Should Visit Doctor for High Cholesterol Test

Cholesterol is a type of fat. Cholesterol is an important requirement of our body as it helps in performing and supporting many important functions like producing new cells. Where low Cholesterol results in lower production of new cells required towards growth and smooth functioning of body, high cholesterol increases the risk of developing heart disease and stroke.

The main reason for being diagnosed with high cholesterol is a result of eating wrong diet – A diet too full of saturated fats cholesterol. High cholesterol can also result from an inherited condition. Eating a healthy diet, continuing with physical activities and taking cholesterol-lowering medicines as prescribed by the doctor.

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Why Do Cancer Cells Kill?

Cancer cells kill as white cells replace all the blood and arteries become clogged with pus. Thus cancer kills in a very mechanical way. Ovarian, colon cancer and most cancers related with GI tract kill by causing hindrance in a patient’s bowel movement.

Lung cancers cells kill by invading into an artery or the bronchus is obstructed. Breast cancer cells kill by metastases in the brain that causes a growing intracranial pressure. Plastic thyroid cancer cells kill by choking the patient slowly and no surgery in the world can cure it on a permanent basis.

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Genetic Cancer – Things to Know

Cancer these days is considered a common disease. An estimation suggests that in UK alone, about 1 in every 3 persons will be affected with cancer sometime during their lives.

Most people who are affected with cancer are aged over 65. It is comparatively not a very common ailment for young people, or say people under 50 to be diagnosed with cancer.

If you or someone you know have just one relative who is or was diagnosed with cancer, you are not so much at a risk of getting the same type of cancer yourself. Genetic cancers are a result of a gene mutation passed down from a parent to her/his offspring. Continue reading “Genetic Cancer – Things to Know”

Inflammatory Bowel Disease, a Serious Problem for Younger Individuals

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (or IBD) affects one million Americans and as many as 100,000 youth under the age of 18. In fact, most people affected by the disease tend to be between 15 and 35 years old. Cases have even been found in infants under 18 months.

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