Inflammatory Bowel Disease, a Serious Problem for Younger Individuals

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (or IBD) affects one million Americans and as many as 100,000 youth under the age of 18. In fact, most people affected by the disease tend to be between 15 and 35 years old. Cases have even been found in infants under 18 months.

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Can Tattoos, Tampons and Deodorants cause cancer? FAQs Related to Causes of Cancer

Q. Can Tampons Cause Cancer?

A. The rumors did a round that use o tampons can cause cancer in women. They claimed that tampons contained dioxin, asbestos and such synthetic fibers that were a cause of cancer in women. But it does not hold water. Not any more. Asbestos was never used at any stage while manufacturing tampons. And Dioxin, which was used in very small amount, has been done away with. Tampons used as per instructions are safe.

Q. Can Tattoos Cause Cancer?

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Dealing with Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is one problem, which affects 90% of us at some point or the other. So much so that we think of growing old and blood pressure in the same breath.

We shall discuss causes of blood pressure and what will help us to deal with it best. Blood pressure should never be allowed to rise, should never be taken casually.

Some of the causes of blood pressure may include, quality of lifestyle. Things like, eating a high-grain, high-sugar diet, lack of exercise, leading a sedentary lifestyle, and taking excessive stress.

Most of these factors are things we have control over. We can shift to a better diet, we can include exercises in our routine, we can avoid stress etc.

Avoiding stress is the most important factor to fight blood pressure. The more stress we take the worse the blood pressure situation gets. The best thing therefore, and first thing also is to avoid stress. Continue reading “Dealing with Blood Pressure”

Protecting Yourself Against Skin Cancer

The holiday season has arrived so now is the time to start thinking about your skin and how to protect it against the suns rays and skin cancer.

Start off by understanding your skin, what it does and why it is so important to you.

Your skin is your protection and should be looked after carefully, it protects you against light, heat, injury and infection. It helps to control your body temperature and stores water and fat, it also makes vitamin D. Continue reading “Protecting Yourself Against Skin Cancer”

How Can You Manage Food Intolerance?

The food habits of people have changed over generations and, nowadays, food intolerance to different kinds of food are more common.

It can be caused by unhealthy dietary habits, stress, an immune function that is super sensitive, and weak digestion.

A food intolerance is different from an allergy in that it won’t be dangerous to life and the immune system is also not involved.

But with a food intolerance people can feel ill and their health will be affected over the long term if it is not diagnosed soon.

A person can develop intolerance for any kind of food as the body does not produce a sufficient quantity of the necessary chemical or enzyme that is needed to digest that particular food lactose intolerance, for example, or alcohol, or food additives such as caffeine and monosodium glutamate. Continue reading “How Can You Manage Food Intolerance?”

Carcinoid Cancer: Good News and Bad News

Here I’m going to write about the carcinoid cancer good news and bad news that I’ve got when my husband diagnosed with such a cancer.

A devastating blow was struck when my husband received the news that he had carcinoid cancer. The specialist told him that more tests would have to be done before they could tell him the actual results. Continue reading “Carcinoid Cancer: Good News and Bad News”

How to Decide on Hospice Care for the Terminally Ill

So you’ve finally made the decision as caregiver to a terminally ill patient that you would like to go in for hospice care.

It must have been a difficult decision to make but you and all concerned have realized that the treatment has gone as far as it could. And now the patient would like to be in a place where there is warmth and caring, while they spend time with their loved ones.

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Causes and Relieving Painful Headaches

Every one has suffered a headache at some time during their life and it’s better to find out what are the causes and relieves of headaches.

Many headaches can be the result of;

  • Stress
  • Eye strain
  • Migraine
  • Sinusitis
  • Flue
  • Digestive issues
  • Blood Pressure
  • Infections
  • Trauma
  • Hangover
  • Allergy
  • or they can be caused by more serious problems.

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SAD Winter Blues Depression

Winter depression can hit anyone. It can be a sudden allergic reaction to the miserable cold and dull weather that can throw a wet blanket over our lives.

Others can experience it from the start of winter with just a general feeling of the blues associated with the weather.

For people that suffer from this depression brought on by lack of sunlight there may now be an answer.

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Earache Explained

Otalgia or earache is a persistent kind of pain in the ear that is caused by an infection in the outer or middle ear.

Pain can also arise as a result of infection in the area surrounding the ear such as dental problems or jaw infections, the throat or spinal area.

This is called referred pain.

So ear pain can be caused by any number of things so symptoms must be referred promptly to an ear specialist for a medical opinion.

Ear pain can be caused by pressure and fluid building up behind the ear drum in the middle ear.

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