Protecting Skin From The Harmful Sun Rays During Summer Using Sunscreens

Using sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful sun rays, because summer time is not far.

For those of us who will have to remain outdoors for education, work, or anything at all it is the right time to learn the ways to protect ourselves from the harmful rays of sun.

Let us find out what and which is the best way to do it?

Sunscreen is the first thing that comes to our minds when we talk about protecting our skin from sun rays.

The important thing here to understand is that applying sunscreen is one of the first steps towards preventing skin cancer.

Here in this article our main area of concentration is going to be, how to choose sunscreen and how important is SPF and How to choose it. Continue reading “Protecting Skin From The Harmful Sun Rays During Summer Using Sunscreens”

Techniques to Sleep Better

So many of us complain about not being able to sleep better. People are starving for a sound sleep. Some of us lose it over our sales targets and the impending presentations at the office, and some over a fight with a friend. It’s surprising that all of it lead to the same sleeplessness.

We shall discuss some techniques today, which will help us sleep better. First and foremost and slightly out of sync but not quite, is that through the day try not to hurt anyone verbally or otherwise, don’t be unreasonable, don’t lose temper, and avoid over reacting.

When we hit the bed our thoughts wander and go back to the happenings of the day. To sleep with a calm mind – calm thoughts are the secret. And calm thoughts can only result from a calm and peaceful day. So let’s learn to minimize complications through the day.

Nothing helps  From good music or PG Wood-house if our mind is not into it. So the first technique is to understand to control the mind and actions. If we are able to even understand this to begin with, we are on our way to good sound sleep. Continue reading “Techniques to Sleep Better”

What Do You Know about Hemophilia?

Hemophilia is a rare blood disorder in which the blood will not clot. It is caused by a defective gene and is of two types, A and B.

Because of this gene the body is not able to produce the blood protein or the clotting mechanism.

So bleeding will be excessive and may happen spontaneously or because of an injury.

Sometimes only a major trauma may cause the bleeding but if it’s a severe case of hemophilia then bleeding will occur without any cause at any part of the body. Continue reading “What Do You Know about Hemophilia?”

Early Signs of Cancer Cautions and Precautions

Cancer is a disease that does not happen overnight, so it’s better to be aware of early signs of cancer. It grows gradually. Cells multiply as days pass.

Especially if the days just pass unattended. So for you and me to be able to attend to and address the issue we have to learn to read the early signs of cancer first.

In this article we will discuss the early signs of cancer and how to use caution to be able to fight it early in life.

If you notice any of the early warning signs of cancer discussed here, you should consult your physician as soon as possible.

Deal with it like a emergency so that the emergency never strikes.

Early detection is important because it improves the survival chances for patients diagnosed with cancer. Although some of the early signs may seem vague, but remember they may be pointing towards the fact that cancer is present. Continue reading “Early Signs of Cancer Cautions and Precautions”

Why Phentermine is Not Advisable As a Weight Loss Aid

Weight loss supplements have very dangerous side effects. They do help initially to lose weight but its effectiveness fades after some time. Side effects include headaches, dizziness, heart arrhythmia, high blood pressure, and insomnia.

Continue reading “Why Phentermine is Not Advisable As a Weight Loss Aid”

Now that You Have Survived Cancer

When you were diagnosed with cancer, the only thoughts in your mind revolved around the biopsy, the treatment, the chemotherapy, the surgery.

You went through all that and the interminable hospital stays. And then one fine day the verdict is a positive one and you have been given a clean chit. This then is where it all begins again.

What is it that you are expecting life to bring you? Do you want everything to be as it was before?

That may not be possible, given the changes in your body and all the stresses that you have coped with mentally and emotionally. You may feel different from the way you were before, you may not be able to do things that you found easy earlier all these are changes you have to deal with.

Continue reading “Now that You Have Survived Cancer”

What You Need to Know About Bone Marrow Biopsy

A bone marrow biopsy is generally suggested when a doctor suspects blood disorders. If a complete blood count finds abnormal situations of the red and white blood cells or indicates some other disease a bone marrow biopsy will help to evaluate the situation better.

The procedure is also accompanied by bone marrow aspiration. Bone marrow typically grows inside the larger bones of the body and is a spongy tissue and fluid. Here, stem cells make red and white blood cells and platelets. Continue reading “What You Need to Know About Bone Marrow Biopsy”

Your GP (General Practitioner) is the First Rung on the Ladder

I am not an expert on these matters I am about to write about; in fact anything I say here is just my own observations and thoughts; so don’t scream and shout if I am contradicting your own thoughts on the subject, in fact I would be interested to know what you think!

Continue reading “Your GP (General Practitioner) is the First Rung on the Ladder”