Chemo Brain – Common Amongst Cancer Survivors

Earlier cancer survivors complaints of memory and concentration loss were dismissed and ignored by their doctors.

The doctors, friends and family members with whom the survivors is most likely to share such symptoms or experience were often easily and un-thoughtfully attributed to stress and emotional affects of cancer or other medications that they were taking. Continue reading “Chemo Brain – Common Amongst Cancer Survivors”

Men, Beware of Cancer!

Most men are not very careful about their health, and often ignore symptoms that they should actually be paying attention to.

You must listen to what your body is trying to tell you and take yourself off for a medical checkup. There are some symptoms that are typical of cancer and it’s best to be prepared.

You must perform a self-examination of the testicles and scrotum every month and check for lumps. If there are lumps then, whatever the size, they can be an indication of testicular cancer.

After the age of 50 you should also be aware of the signs of prostate cancer. If you have pain or difficulty when you are urinating, or have a frequent urge to urinate, or even a feeble flow of urine, or see blood in the urine then you should consult a doctor to rule out prostate cancer.

If you have unrelenting pain in the pelvis that does not disappear with common medication then it could be a sign of either prostate or testicular cancer. So get it checked. Continue reading “Men, Beware of Cancer!”

Fighting Fybromyalgia

It’s not often that the muscles of the body are referred to in terms of pain except when the topic of exercise comes up.

Fibromyalgia, however, causes pain in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It is accompanied by extensive fatigue, un-refreshing sleep, and a complete loss of energy.

The muscles feel like they have been dragged or worked too hard, with twitches and a feeling of burning. The pain is akin to that one gets with influenza and the best way to empathize with someone with fibromyalgia syndrome, or FMS, is to remember when you were last ill. Continue reading “Fighting Fybromyalgia”

Can AIDS/HIV Finally Have a Vaccine?

Nobody can answer this question but there are some better, easier and less expensive HIV virusmethods to prevent people to be infected by AIDS. AIDS is not like flu (influenza) that can be transmitted person to person just through breathing the contaminated air. AIDS has limited number of ways to infect people. People in the high infected countries like South Africa and India are not aware of the ways that AIDS can infect them. So the only thing that governments need to do is educating people and creating a public awareness against AIDS in the society. This is called Social Vaccine.

As long as the biological vaccine is not accessible, people can easily avoid AIDS. There are many things that people need to know to avoid AIDS but I believe in three golden rules:

Continue reading “Can AIDS/HIV Finally Have a Vaccine?”

Apple Peel is Full of Anti Cancer Properties

Next time you eat an apple eat it with the peel. The research has proved that apple peels have anti cancer properties.

It’s therefore wrong to throw the peels in the dustbin. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

It has been proved time and again that diet rich in fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of hear disease, cancer, diabetes, and a many other chronic diseases.

The researchers are trying to specifically identify compounds found in fruits and vegetables that are responsible for these healthy benefits.

Recent researches have been on phenolics (anti-cancer properties of a group of phytochemicals) which are typically found in the seeds and skins of fruit and vegetables. Continue reading “Apple Peel is Full of Anti Cancer Properties”

How Safe is Swimming

I personally have an issue with swimming. And lot of my friends and colleagues would give me a; she is going berserk look. But it hasn’t stop me from having an issue with it.

Swimming came for me quite late in life. I was late in learning swimming by several years.

But I had to learn it. I was so fascinated with the idea of swimming – Health, glamour, fascinating costumes, toned body.. everything about this form of exercise was great. Continue reading “How Safe is Swimming”

Drink Water as Part of Your Health Routine

This cannot be said enough, but strangely though the concept of water as part of a healthy diet is often overlooked.

It should be considered a nutritious drink for all the benefits it offers us. Can you imagine going without water for a few days?

Why, then, is it not made a mandatory part of a nutritious healthy program?It;s a well-known fact that our body is about 70% water, our blood, lungs, brain, and muscles all contain water.

Our body temperature is regulated by water and nutrients travel in water to all parts of the body.

In addition, oxygen is transferred to cells in water; also, water removes wastes and protects our joints and organs. Continue reading “Drink Water as Part of Your Health Routine”

How Can You Help When Someone You Know Has Cancer

When you are in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with cancer you must understand that they will go through a whole gamut of emotions; from depression to bitterness, shock and anxiety, anger and fear.

Their feelings of vulnerability and loneliness will increase as will their mood swings. They can talk through their fears to reduce them and that is where you come in. Listen well to what they say and let them say whatever they like.

Continue reading “How Can You Help When Someone You Know Has Cancer”

Symptoms of Accoustic Neuroma – A Type of Brain Cancer

What are the symptoms of Accoustic Neuroma which is a type of brain cancer?

Brain Cells are fashioned to develop in a certain order but when such an order is disrupted or starts to grow out of turn then possibility of formation of lump in the brain increases which could be benign or malignant.

Benign growth is not likely to spread on to other parts where as in the malignant lump the chance of it spreading to other parts is likely.

The acoustic neuroma develops from schwann cells.

These cells cover the nerve and is therfore this type of tumor is sometimes referred to as schwannoma.

This benign tumour grows at a slow pace and does not spread from its place of origination within the brain.

An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor that develops from the lining of the auditory nerve. This nerve is responsible for balance. Continue reading “Symptoms of Accoustic Neuroma – A Type of Brain Cancer”