What Causes Receding Gums Problem & How Can It Be Treated?

Receding gums are a normal part of the aging process. Receding gums problem occurs when the gums and bone in the mouth move away from the tooth. In some people it is noticed earlier than others. Receding gums may be a result of age, genetics, harsh brushing or some kind of gum disease or infection.

Misaligned teeth may also cause receding gums. They cause trouble to the bone and gums. Next, the gum recession exposes the roots, which in turn causes the teeth to become sensitive while eating hot, cold and sweet foods. Apart from this, excessive pressure may cause the gums to recede.

Like grinding or clenching the teeth. One more cause is – excessive plaque built-up at the gum line due to improper or casual brushing. Meaning poor oral hygiene can also lead to receding gums. The bacteria on the plaque release toxic compounds that harm gum tissue. Continue reading “What Causes Receding Gums Problem & How Can It Be Treated?”

Ideal Diet to Prevent Prostrate Cancer

About one-third of American men have microscopic signs of prostate cancer by the time they hit fifty.

When they are 75, approximately 50% to 75% of men undergo some changes in their prostate glands that may be cancerous. In spite of this dreadful statistic NOT all these men would eventually die from prostate cancer.

A report says that about 16 percent of American men are diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime but only 8 percent develop significant symptoms; and only 3 percent die of the disease.

Many men are diagnosed with prostate cancer, but they have no idea that if they do not treat the symptoms on time it may grow deadly. Experts have not yet confirmed research about which prostate cancers will prove deadly and which won’t.

There are some types of prostate cancer, which won’t prove dangerous and will simply exist. They won’t be life threatening in anyway. At research institutes they are still working on it and trying to find more about prostate cancer. Continue reading “Ideal Diet to Prevent Prostrate Cancer”

Putting Children on a Diet – Not Done!

Through this article I will share the most important fact with you about putting your children on diet.

Let me tell you that it’s not right to put your child on a diet. If your child is obese, the solution does not lie in restricting his/her calories.

During this time kids are rapidly growing and developing their skeletal structure. And by opting to watch and limit their calories intake may affect children overall health adversely.

The result of this exercise may be that they do not develop their full bone and muscle mass.

I have come across several parents who are so worried about their children obesity that they are even considering commercial weight loss programs for them.

What they have to understand is that these commercial weight loss programs are designed for adults with fully developed bone mass. Continue reading “Putting Children on a Diet – Not Done!”

Are Alcohol and Cancer Linked

Alcohol may benefit heart but researches have proved that alcohol increases the risk of many types of cancers. And so people who don’t drink need not be encouraged to start.

However men and women who already drink moderately, that is less than one drink a day is prescribed moderate women and less than two for men, need not stop.

Studies done of various groups of women in various institutes suggest that having alcohol within limits can also increase the risk of breast cancer.

It may surprise many of you but an average and prescribed limit of two drinks per day can also increases breast cancer risk by approximately 25%. It’s a topic of active studies and the recent studies show that alcohol increases the estrogen level in the bloodstream, which in turn may increase breast cell division and as a result increase cancer risk. Continue reading “Are Alcohol and Cancer Linked”

Food Poisoning Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Food poisoning is something almost everyone undergoes at some point of time. It is a common illness. In majority of cases it is mild but in exceptional cases it can get serious.
Symptoms of food poisoning depend on the type of infected virus or bacteria as well as the amount consumed by way of drink or food. These symptoms can start to show as quickly as within 30 minutes of eating or drinking, or slowly, worsening over days and weeks.
Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, and diarrhea. These come up suddenly after a day or two of having eaten or drunk something that may be infected with germs or contaminated. Continue reading “Food Poisoning Symptoms, Causes and Treatments”

How To Read Heart Attack Symptoms

Heart attach is not a jock! It’s an issue synonymous with `urgency and immediate help. Whether it is about calling ambulance or inhaling sprays until medical help arrives the action has to be immediate. The issue here is to learn to read the signs right. Is the chest pain due to gas or is it really a heart attack?

In some cases heart attacks are sudden and intense and the signs point towards it while person is undergoing it, but sometimes, actually many a times heart attacks take a slow start, where the patient experiences a mild pain or discomfort. And this is where things go wrong mostly especially the delay in calling for medical help.

People experiencing it or around the person undergoing it aren’t sure about the signs and wait a bit too long before dialing their doctor’s number and seeking help. Continue reading “How To Read Heart Attack Symptoms”

Kidney Stones How They Are Formed and What They Are

More and more people in the United States, especially children, are getting kidney stones. Doctors attribute this to poor diet, obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure.The kidneys are located behind the abdomen and are the size of two small fists.

They flush out toxins from the blood in the urine. Men are more prone to suffer from this condition than women and it is generally diagnosed between 30 and 50 years of age.

They are formed by the concentration of urine and can be found anywhere in the urinary tract. They can be of different sizes and cause obstruction, pain, and infection. Most stones are made up of calcium combined with phosphate or oxalate. Continue reading “Kidney Stones How They Are Formed and What They Are”

Choose Calcium Rich Food – Not Pills and Supplements For Stronger Bones

Calcium helps to strengthen our bones. Women are especially recommended to include calcium in their diet all the time.

The first and the most important thing to remember while trying to include calcium in the daily diet is that getting calcium from food is better than getting it from a pill.

Calcium that is gotten directly from food is absorbed and utilized by the body better than synthetic calcium that a calcium pill.

Quality has proved to work better than quantity. In some cases women taking calcium supplements had higher average levels of calcium.

But still calcium that one can get from foods in their natural form proved to be more beneficial. And why just calcium all other nutrients also prove to be more beneficial in their pure and direct form than simply gulping pill.

However simple and uncomplicated the pill thing may sound it cannot be compared with the effect and benefits food in their natural form have to offer. Continue reading “Choose Calcium Rich Food – Not Pills and Supplements For Stronger Bones”

Know About Bladder Cancer

This is one of those cancers that people don’t like to think about or even talk about. But it does occur and it’s best to be aware of how it starts and progresses.

The function of the bladder is to gather and accumulate urine until it is ejected from the body. The bladder walls are made up of muscles and urinary epithelium.

At the back are the ureters that take urine from the kidneys to the bladder. The lower portion of the bladder narrows down into the urethra, which carries the urine from the body.

Bladder cancer can be of two types superficial and invasive cancers. Superficial bladder tumors are also known as papillary tumors or bladder warts.

They are found on the urinary epithelium surface. Invasive bladder cancers, as the name suggests, spread deeper into the epithelium, continuing into the muscle layer or surrounding tissues.

Sometimes they spread through the bladder wall to adjacent organs such as the rectum, colon, prostate gland/uterus, pelvic bones, and lymph glands. Continue reading “Know About Bladder Cancer”

Thyroid Cancer Risk, Symptoms and Treatments You Need To Know About

The exact causes of thyroid cancer are not yet known. Doctors are hardly able to explain while some people are affected with this disease and another is not. However, it is clear that thyroid cancer is not contagious. No one can “catch” cancer from another person.

Who is at a risk of developing thyroid cancer? Risk is something that increases the chance of developing the disease. Some such risk factors for thyroid cancer include family history of certain cancers, age, habit of tobacco and tobacco products, improper eating habits or unhealthy diet, obesity, no physical activities or say lack of exercise, exposure to radiation or other cancerous compounds or agents, and genetic changes. Continue reading “Thyroid Cancer Risk, Symptoms and Treatments You Need To Know About”