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Beating Cancer the Killer Disease

Did you know that your doctor is not allowed to tell you about any herbal or natural products that could help you to beat the killer cancer.These are regulations set down by the drug companies and a doctor could lose his licence to practice if he was to tell you about any of these products.

Cancer has taken lives for generations with no known cure, it can be controlled to a certain extent in the early days with chemotherapy and other known drugs but it is not always a cure.

Cancer cells grow in the body and to have any hope of recovery these cells must be destroyed. Chemotherapy does destroy the cells but it also weakens your immune system which means the cancer cells can reoccur after a certain length of time. Continue reading “Beating Cancer the Killer Disease”

ADHD Is Treatable

Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD treatable?

Have you ever found it difficult to concentrate on what you are doing or got easily distracted by your surroundings?

Or impulsively interrupted people when they were talking?

Or gone off into daydreams and dawdled with your work? What effect would it have on your life?

Imagine if this were a permanent condition, But this is a common behavioral disorder and starts in childhood. It is known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD.

Researchers say about 10% of school-going children are affected by ADHD. Boys are more likely to suffer from it than girls though no one has yet been able to figure out why.

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Dos and Don’ts When You Have Fever

This essay deals with steps you need to take when you, someone you know, or your family member, including your child, has a fever.

Before we discuss it in detail, lets discuss fever facts in short.

Fever is our body’s defense mechanism, which starts working as soon as any kind of infection attacks our body.

Fever is a positive sign. It tells us that our body is working against the enemy’s (infections, bacteria, etc.) attack, and nothing as such is wrong with the body. Continue reading “Dos and Don’ts When You Have Fever”

Why Do We Get Fever? Fever Facts

Why Do We Get Fever? First and foremost, it is worth noting and knowing some fever facts.

The first and important thought is that fever is not an illness.

Fever is a defense mechanism of the body to fight infection. Fever works for the individual, not against him/her.

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How Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Affects Males

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is one of the rare muscle disorder that affects males at most which is usually recognized at the age of between two and six years old.

One in 3800 men is affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) worldwide, because of an X-linked recessive gene that they inherit from the female side of the family.

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In What Ways Does Smoking Harm Women?

There’s been always a question about in what ways does smoking harm women?

Main and simple answer to this question is that women body should be free of any toxic in order to give birth to a healthy child.

We have all been reading about how smoking can harm the smoker as well as people who are constantly around him/her.

Much has been written about lung cancer, sagging of skin, osteoporosis etc that are mainly caused as a result of smoking. We have also read how dreadful smoking can prove to be for women who are or wanting to be pregnant.

In this article we will discuss some more health related problems that smoking can cause.

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Anxiety Disorder Reasons and Choosing the Right Treatment

The main reason for any type of anxiety disorder is the FEAR.

Fear of losing your job, your loved one, your social situation, phobia and lose of your life.

When fear occurs the it creates some brain chemistry that causes the anxiety.fear and anxiety

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How to Burn Belly Fat: Free Supplement for Americans

Belly fat issues because of the new life styles, nowadays most people are kind of overweight and they are trying a way to burn belly fat in an easy way without any diet or exercises.

The most effective way of losing weight is always a combination of diet and exercise.

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Simple Ways to Cope with Fatigue Resulting from Cancer Treatment

While a patient is undergoing cancer treatment he/she is bound to undergo fatigue.

Sometimes fatigue results from cancer treatment and other times it is cancer itself that results into fatigue. Similarly sometimes fatigue is temporary and sometimes it sets permanently making everyday chores impossible.

The reasons for this fatigue during cancer treatment are far too many. I am listing some of them down with a possible strategy one can adopt to fight and overcome it. Before we move further we have to understand one thing that different people react to cancer differently. The factors for fatigue resulting from cancer may differ from person to person.

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