One thing for everyone to understand is that foundation of happiness is robust health. It’s an open secret most people do not give too much consideration too.
Let us imagine a situation where we are professionally or academically successful, our spouse [or spice ;-)] are doing all right, children seem to be on track and are focusing their energy where they should, parents are taken are of – everything sounds in place and in control.
No tiff with the boss, no malice brewing behind our backs, nothing but we have this persistent headache for lack of sleep over past few days that wouldn’t go away even with a painkillers.
It’s nothing. Just a headache but is enough to take our minds off everything and the pain frustrates us. We lose temper, the feeling reflects in our work and nothing sounds good. We don’t want to eat, talk, nothing. Just want to be left alone. Continue reading “Health and Happiness Formula”