How to Avoid Getting Pregnant? All Women Should Know It

I have been giving some thought to a problem that many women would like the answer to.

How to avoid getting pregnant? It is an age old worry but today the outlook is much brighter with so many options. You may be a career woman, or simply working to help pay the mortgage. Or maybe you have a boyfriend and a pregnancy would be a disaster.

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Grandma and the Twilight Years

The twilight years is a term used for people reaching the last years of their lives. Elderly people can often be vulnerable to all sorts of mishaps when they live alone. For this reason sons or daughters often feel a responsibility to care for them in some way. The easy way for many is to take their elderly parent into their own home; this can work if the parent is in a reasonable state of health and causes no strain on the family.

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Its Hot, Its Spicy, Can It Prevent or Cure Cancer?

Searching for that elusive cure for the dreaded cancer is forever ongoing. Scientists everywhere are dreaming of being the one man who will find the actual and positive cure for every type of cancer in existence. When this will come about no one knows but it will happen. That man may not yet be born but time will tell.

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Pesky Cold and Flu Critters Attack

Miserable cold wet days, and the long dark nights are enough to make anyone feel down in the dumps, but combine them with the dreaded colds and flu that delight in attacking us when we are at our most vulnerable does nothing at all to brighten up our lives. Sniffing, sneezing and coughing are as much a part of our daily lives as getting out of bed each morning.

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Sleeping Disorders, Misconceptions About Sleeping

Sleep has the power to restore, heal and repair the body and the mind; Sleep gives power to our immune systems, in fact, to all systems that perform various functions in our body.

There are some misconceptions about sleep, which we should all we aware of. We here them all the time from people of old and new generation, assume its true and spread the word around. Some of these misconceptions are…

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Backache, Slipped Disc, Strains, Its No Joke

Oh my poor back! Such a familiar cry, most of us have experienced a painful backache as a result of mostly slipped disc or strains at some time or other.

It is often the butt of jokes, but believe me it is no joke when you do have one.

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Pregnancy and Medical Problems Resolved

Pregnancy can be a joyous time if you are healthy and there is no interfere between the pregnancy and medical problems .

When you first realize that you might be pregnant and it is something you have been longing for your joy is tenfold.

When it is actually confirmed although you had no reason to doubt it the joy is increased.

I want to tell you my story which went from sheer misery to a joyous ending.

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Cancer and Chemotherapy the Curse of the Universe

Cancer and chemotherapy is a word known by almost every person in the universe; it is a dreaded word that no one person wants to hear about especially concerning ourselves. Cancer is a malignant growth that is ruining millions of peoples lives daily.

It doesn’t have a care who it attacks, rich, poor, adults, children, even animals. Has cancer always been so virulent among the population, or is it the modern lifestyle that has caused what seems like an explosion through out the whole world.

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Samaritan Hospice When It’s Time to Let Go

It’s never easy hearing that a loved one has a limit on their life’s expectancy. Cancer, cirrhosis, complications from diabetes and AIDS can all cut lives short. Hospice care can provide comfort for the patient and family in the familiar surroundings of the home rather that the sterile environment of an institution.

There are many miracles of modern medicine, there have been great advancements in both the areas of prevention and treatment of diseases, but for those diseases that still elude the modern miracles there is the Samaritan Hospice. Hospice care puts the patient and the family in control of the course and type of treatment to be administered.

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