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Proactive With Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is probably one of the most unknown and unfamiliar types of cancer despite that it is the fifth most frequent cancer in women based on the number of deaths.

A large percentage of the women population has never heard nor has very little knowledge of what it is.

Early stages of cervical cancer show almost no symptoms and is very hard to detect once ignored.

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Cervical Dysplasia Is Not Cancer

If you or anyone you know has been diagnosed with Cervical Dysplasia, please remember that it is not the same as being diagnosed with cancer.

It could be a pre-courser or there is a possibility that it may develop into cancer of the cervix.

However, that too only your doctor can confirm after checking out the degree and depth of Cervical Dysplasia.

Cervical Dysplasia is not a cancer and it is curable.

You will find useful information about the illness, its treatment and effects.

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Do Scientists Cure or Kill? That Is the Question

The question about do scientists cure or kill is a very serious topic.

There is no doubt that many of the problems affecting the human race are brought about by the scientists.

Every minute of every hour they are searching for cures for diseases and that diseases, most of which been caused by the scientists themselves.

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Progress of My Broken Ankle

It is now over three months since I broke my ankle. I thought by now my broken ankle will be healing and I would back on my own two feet walking normally but that must have been wishful thinking.

I wear an air boot which is heavy and looks a bit like something out of space but it does enable me to get around easier.

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Barring Bad Breath

Bad breath occurs because of the state of your oral hygiene and also your gastrointestinal health. Bacteria in your mouth and in your digestive tract cause those foul odors.

It’s called halitosis and it could be the bane of your life. It cramps your style socially and in business-like situations. So it’s not enough that you brush and floss regularly you also have to eat right.

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Is Over-The-Counter Mouth Abscess Treatment Effective?

The question about: is over the counter mouth abscess treatment effective?

Let me answer this question for you first. In one word the answer is NO.

Mouth abscess, most of the times are a more serious infection than you think. The tissues infected are at the root of your tooth or between gums and root of your tooth, it demands immediate attention of a dentist.

If this pain or infection is taken lightly it may spread till jawbone.

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Sexual Intercourse and Other Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer

Sexual Intercourse and Prostate Cancer risk factors are not relevant.

So the answer to the question If having sex with a person with prostate cancer risky is in negative.

However, the study at several medical schools, shows that men with high sexual activity and frequent ejaculation are at lower risk of prostate cancer.

Study shows that men who have in average 4 to 7 ejaculation per week up to the age of 70 are 36% less at risk of prostate cancer comparing to the one who have 2 to 3 times sex per week.

Such a risk of sexual transmitted disease,  whether it is through intimate contact like kissing, intercourse or oral sex are not relevant.

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