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Tylenol Overdose – What Can Tylenol Overdose Do To You?

Drug overdose is an accidental or intentional use of medicine or drug in an amount higher than what should normally be used or is prescribed by the doctor.

Accidental drug overdose may happen due to misuse of prescription or commonly used medications like pain relievers, cold remedies, etc. Continue reading “Tylenol Overdose – What Can Tylenol Overdose Do To You?”

Carbohydrates And Diabetes

Carbohydrate is the transformation of carbs into sugar in the body.

There are many foods that contains carbohydrate and we all should be careful with using the right amount of those carbs in our daily nutrition.

20 years back who knew most of us would be addicted to meals comprising hamburger, French fries and a coke.

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The Outdoor Athletes Nemesis Skin Cancer

The athletes’ Marathon runners, cross country skiers, mountain and rock climbers, swimmers- these are some of the most physically fit people in the world, but all continually and sometimes unknowingly put themselves at risk of contracting a potentially deadly disease skin cancer.

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About Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer symptoms and treatments in this article, the bladder is a balloon-shaped hollow organ located in the lower abdomen, which collects urine and disposes it off via the urethra.

The bladder can develop cancer like any other part of the body. Researchers estimate that bladder cancer is more common in the developed countries such as the United States and France.

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Lupus The Autoimmune Disease

When your own body immune system attacks your body tissues called Lupus.

The work of the body’s immune system is to protect it from diseases and viruses. But in one extreme case, for some unknown reason, the immune system starts attacking healthy tissues with the kidneys, blood, heart, lungs, joints, nervous system, and skin being targeted.

Lupus chronic autoimmune disease that causes the healthy tissues to become inflamed and painful. Continue reading “Lupus The Autoimmune Disease”

Guide To Healthy Food For Kids

We all know wrong eating habits lead to obesity in children and here I’m going to guide you to some healthy food for kids.

The time to control is when they are still young. Well-balanced and healthy food is as much a must for children as adults and old. I am listing down good and bad food habits for children.

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