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Tea without Milk! Is our Daily Cuppa Under Threat?

Now the Brits daily cuppa is under fire with tea without milk OUTRAGEOUS It’s like telling the people in the US to eat their pancakes without maple syrup.

Have we reached a stage where we have to dissect everything we eat and drink just to stay in the land of the living! Oh dear, what are we coming to?

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Lasik Eye Surgery Risks

Lasik Eye Surgery helps people with glasses reduce their dependency on glasses or contact lenses. Lasik eye surgery in majority of cases enjoys a high level of success and failure rates are about 1% per eye. Though the success rate is high but chances of other complications may affect your vision, which are not considered’ as failures. Like, the patient’s vision may be reset after the surgery as 20/20, but she could experience visual disturbances like ghost images or haloing.

Sometimes it has also been seen that the patient and surgeon have different ideas of what success means. Unreasonable expectations from Lasik eye surgery also cause disappointment.

Lasik is relatively a new surgical procedure, and is undergoing research constantly to ensure better results. Continue reading “Lasik Eye Surgery Risks”

Why Drink Aloe Vera Juice?

Growing an Aloe Vera plant is highly recommended and Aloe Vera Juice is very healthy anti-inflammatory as well. It can be grown in all dry regions across the world from Africa, Asia, and Europe to America. It contains vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and mono-and-poly-saccharides. The combined action of all these gives Aloe Vera it’s various healing properties.

A distinct property of Aloe Vera lies in its modulation effect. The component glycoproteins help to inhibit systems as well as have an anti-inflammatory effect. It’s mucopolysaccharides help to stimulate systems, promoting wound healing. Using it after being cut or burnt is most common and gives fantastic results. An interesting fact is that you should consider drinking Aloe Vera juice for its health benefits. Continue reading “Why Drink Aloe Vera Juice?”

Understanding The Formula of Happiness

Through this article I am going to prove that money and happiness are two different things. First and foremost being happy is really a choice you and I make. Happiness is free. We can feel happiness, right now, if we choose to.

Money CANNOT buy happiness. It’s been said before. We’ve heard it before. Now scientists from all over the world have proved that money cannot buy happiness. The misconception that the more money you have, the happier you can be is simply not true.

It is possible and true that depending on how we choose to use money, it can create powerful and positive changes in our family. By having money we are able to function more easily in this world. It can buy us food, clothes, and comfort. But please do keep in mind that because attachment to money is based on fear, money creates insecurity. Continue reading “Understanding The Formula of Happiness”

Simple Facts of Happy and Healthy Life

With the warmer weather heading our way and hopefully the sunshine, everyone wants to develop that tanned and healthy look, especially the younger person.

At the first hint of sunshine, the sunbeds and deckchairs come for an airing and many people spend hours bathing in the heat and the sun’s rays.

You look bronzed and healthy and feel wonderful, but do you realize that the sun’s UV rays are the cause of many skin cancers.

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The Smaller Belly, The Healthier Heart

Smaller belly has a very important impact on the healthier heart in many cases.

In the article I posted on Dec 27th, Obesity and Prostate Cancer Are Good Friends, I explained the relation of the obesity, prostate, and also breast cancer.

In fact, I was wrong. I should say that obesity and all kinds of cancer are good friends. And now I want to say obesity, cancers, and heart diseases are good friends.

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Symptoms How to Recognize a Stroke When It Happens

In the UK it is known that some one has a stroke every five minutes so it’s better to be able to Recognize a Stroke when it happens.

A stroke is more common for people over the age of sixty five but it can happen at any time.

A stroke is the third most common cause of death after heart disease and cancer and the leading cause of disabilities in the UK.

A stroke happens when the normal blood supply to part of the brain is cut off. If your brain cells do not get a constant supply of oxygen from the blood the cells in the affected area become damaged or they die.

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