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Symptoms of Asthma and How It Can Be Treated

Asthma is a common disease in children and adults in most countries around the world. This illness cannot be cured but it can be managed well enough for you to live an active, normal life. You need to avoid things that are irritants and act as a trigger to your asthma.

You or your child may have asthma and it is important to recognize the signs of it in order to treat it properly.

Asthma’s symptoms can be;

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • and shortness of breath

The lungs air passages narrow and there can be a tight feeling in the chest; inflammation of bronchial tubes is common as they become sensitive to irritants; too much mucus in the airways; breathlessness with increased activity or exercise; allergies occurring often is also a symptom.

When you have an asthma attack there is a contraction of the muscles around the bronchial tubes and inflammation increases and as a result of both the air passages narrow.

If the attack is very severe because the airways become very narrow then the flow of oxygen to important organs is restricted.

This is termed a medical emergency and treatment must be given immediately.

However, asthma attacks are infrequent in that there are long periods of time between attacks and you may not suffer from any symptoms.

The symptoms of asthma vary from person to person and between attacks also. The symptoms can be mild or dangerous so be aware of what the symptoms of asthma are so that you can spot an attack before it becomes difficult to treat.

Asthma is most commonly caused by allergies, especially in children, and it could also be an inherited disposition.

There are certain triggers that are best avoided and these are polluted environments such as house dust, cold air, smoke, and emotional upsets. Some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines and aspirins can cause asthma for some people.

Treatment for asthma includes medication that may or may not include herbal remedies as prescribed by the doctor to control symptoms and the inflammation of the airways.

Also, it consists of controlling recognized allergens and irritants.

An allergy test will also identify allergens that may cause prolonged asthma in some patients such as cockroach allergens, dust mites, pollens, molds, and pet dander.

Treatment will consist of control medication over a long term, which will be used regularly so an attack doesn’t occur; and rescue medications that help to provide relief during an attack.

If the attack is very severe hospitalization may be necessary as intravenous medication and oxygen may be required. Most asthma patients use an inhaler to take their medication.

Work with your doctor to develop a proper asthma control treatment procedure that is good for you and your particular allergies and reactions.

  • Monitor your asthma on a regular basis by checking for signs and symptoms and frequency of attacks;
  • Use a peak flow monitor to monitor your pulmonary function;
  • Evaluate how you are managing your daily life with the asthma;
  • Track your response to the medicines;
  • Assess and avoid whatever triggers your asthma.

You can opt for immunotherapy, better known as allergy shots, which can help to decrease asthma symptoms and your need for medication.

Some alternative treatments are also available for asthma, though you will need to consult your doctor about these.

Yoga, omega fatty acids, and biofeedback are some natural remedies that you can try out. Keep in touch with the research that is going on in the field of asthma and the clinical trials that are going on as they can provide information on new treatments coming up anytime.

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