What Can Dextromethorphan or Robitussin Overdose do?

Cough syrup overdosing or Robitussin overdose is nothing new. Even children overdose on it because they get high from consuming and slowly it turns into an addiction.

DXM or dextromethorphan is a chemical that acts as an effective cough suppressant when taken properly.

More than 80 different types of cold medicines are available legally over the counter that contains dextromethorphan.

Addiction and Overdose of Robitussin or Dextromethorphan

When a medicine, which contains dextromethorphan, is taken in excess it produces the psychedelic effect.

Because of its legal over the counter availability of these drugs, Dextromethorphan and Robitussin overdose is hard to track and keep the record of.

Robitussin is one of the most popular cold syrup that contains Dextromethorphan.

It is a cough suppressant and it’s available over the counter in the form of syrup and pills as well.

Dextromethorphan is not addictive physically, but users who are entranced by its dissociation affects develop an addiction that’s more psychological.

This also happens because this drug is widely and legally available over the counter.

Side Effects of Dextromethorphan  or Robitussin Overdose

Dextromethorphan or Robitussin overdose is a result of overtaking the standard dosage of the drug.

DXM is mixed with other chemicals for an added effect or in the long run complicated medical problems.

More than physical Dextromethorphan overdose, the possibility for panic or psychological breakdown as the result of a strong trip is more.

Side effects of DXM or Robitussin Overdose Addiction

Those who take it can become paranoid.

There have been cases when such people get stuck in a “time loop” which means they will not return to their original perspective.

Treating this order takes very long and is a gradual process.

It is a kind of drug addiction and should be taken seriously.

Most of the teenagers are at risk of becoming addicted to Robitussin or Dextromethorphan Overdose addiction and parents should be careful with that.

The DXM or Robitussin Overdose Because of Mixed Drugs

Mixing DXM with other depressants can result in overdose and result in respiratory failure.

When DXM and alcohol are taken together the effect is, vomiting and sometimes can lead to alcohol poisoning.

With mixing DXM with serotonin-affecting hallucinogens like Ecstasy it may lead to Serotonin Syndrome and chronic depression.

Heavy, chronic use of DXM can lead to Olney’s Lesions to form on the brain.

This type of brain damage can have an effect directly on memory, emotional behavior, and cognitive ability.

Permanent Side Effects of The Dextromethorphan or Robitussin Overdose Addiction

Some reports from research labs suggest that stopping Dextromethorphan or Robitussin Overdose addiction can allow for minor damage to heal.

Moreover, more serious cases are where the patient’s mental deterioration continues even if he stops overdosing

This issue sometimes leads to epilepsy and psychosis on a permanent basis.

The Risk of Dextromethorphan Overdose Is Real

It may not be life-threatening, but will inevitably cause nausea and vomiting at high doses.

In extreme cases when knowingly or unknowingly it is mixed with other things the harm it can cause may be permanent.

DXM overdose in young children can cause a serious problem and even death.

The safest advice is that if you read any of these symptoms;
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Itching or irritation on the skin
  • Feeling confused
  • Motor control loss
  • Loss of sensory perception
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Paranoia
  • Muscle spasms etc

In any Robitussin overdose situation you should call a doctor or go to the local emergency hospital as soon as possible.

When you go to the hospital you have to make sure to be prepared with the following relevant information…

1- For how long you have been overdosing on Robitussin or Dextromethorphan or with which other similar medications.

2- What was the amount of Robitussin or Dextromethorphan you toke.

3- The age and all personal information.

More information you give the better the doctor will be able to treat you.

Robitussin or Dextromethorphan Overdose in Children

Overdose of Robitussin or Dextromethorpahn or any other cold and cough supplements for children under the age of 4 is very serious and can cause death as well.

For the children under the age of 4, it is not recommended to use any dextromethorphan or any other medication that contains that medication.

However, sometimes accidentally the child might have token the big amount of Robitussin or Dextromethorphan.

As a result, he/she will be an overdose, and should be taken to the hospital emergency immediately.

Children over the age of 4 if they are in need of any over the counter cold or cough medication such as Robitussin or Dextromethorphan the parents should make sure to follow the right standard dosage that written in the label.

Sometimes the parents give the combination of two separate medications by mistakes such as cold and cough to the child and that might cause the overdose.

Parents should make sure to give the right amount of the dosage to the children and read the label before using it.

To Conclude

In any case of overdose such as Robitussin overdose, you should take the patient to the local emergency hospital for immediate treatments.

Make sure to keep any medications out of reach of the children to avoid any type of overdose such as Robitussin overdose.

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3 thoughts on “What Can Dextromethorphan or Robitussin Overdose do?”

  1. I abused DXM at about age 17-18 with a peak of three doses (almost a bottle at a time) in a matter of 9 days, and suffered memory loss and a lot of ability to make new memory’s, this is still persisting (22) now. It has improved over time but I cannot image I’ll ever get back to the brain I once had.

    1. I chugged about a third of a bottle to get rid of a nagging cough; about 30 or 40ml maybe, and about two hours later I felt like I was going to die. Paranoia, shallow breathing, massive diarrhea. Bad trip. Do not recommend at all.

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