Abdominal Bloating is a very common body condition which generally doesn’t call for pressing an emergency button or anything like that immediately. To begin with it could simply be because the person has had a large meal, more than what s/he is regularly used to having; as a result of which his abdomen has bloated and is accompanied with a feeling of discomfort.
If a person has been having a large meal for a few days and everyday he is experiences the same feeling; and the day he discontinues the routine, he feels better. Under this situation one can be certain that there is little to worry over. It’s a big meal that s/he has to avoid.
Likewise, the other common reason for bloating of abdomen is gases. Formation of gases is also a result of indigestion; and may be reflective of sedentary lifestyle; and lack of exercise routine; and poor metabolism.
It can be an embarrassing situation for a people but on the whole nothing as such which calls for immediate medical help. Gases can at the most cause temporary pain or discomfort in the chest or stomach, and as gases release, the pain goes away; that is about it.
Lets discuss other causes associated with abdominal bloating. They include, intolerance of foods such as lactose.
This happens because in some people enzyme lactase is absolutely lacking, and this makes them intolerant to lactose. And if such people have milk or milk related items, they end up complaining of discomfort and severe bloating. Other reasons include, acid reflux disease; having larger than normal meals; stress and emotional disturbances can lead can a toll on one’s digestion.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome can cause abdomen to bloat; in some cases people have been found to react adversely to common food items like wheat, caffeine, chocolate; weight gain can also lead to excess gases being produced in the body; constipation can also lead to this situation; air swallowing – a habit where gas gets accumulates in digestive track
A person could be on some medications where gases could be one of the side effects or the person’s body reacts to it peculiarly and gases get formed; infection in intestine; when women undergo menstruation; premenstrual stress can also lead to gases; hormonal bloating at the time of peri-menopause and menopausal women complain of gases.
Sometimes even consumption of excessive alcohol leads to bloating of abdomen, especially if it is taken after a long gap. This happens because alcohol contains certain ingredients like toxins, wheat, and grain.
Over and above this, the food that one consumes while having his or her drinks and afterwards also goes a long way in giving rise to this situation. Not only abdominal bloating, alcohol can also go a step further and victim’s cheeks also show signs of bloating. There are a several ways that will help to deal with this situation and help one get rid of abdominal bloating as a result of alcohol consumption.
Some uncommon but serious complications resulting from Abdominal Bloating include celiac disease; dumping syndrome; accumulation of fluids in abdomen with tumours; PCOS syndrome; neurotic bloating sans the gas called Alvarez Syndrome; bowel obstruction; production of pancreatic enzymes not sufficient; ovarian cancer; etc.
It is important that the person constantly complaining of abdominal bloating or prone to it should visit a specialist and get the problem out of the way and try and do everything that will keep him/her away from it as far as possible.
Identifying the correct cause is of utmost importance for the doctor to be able to treat the problem properly. The patient may be advised to take medication, exercise, to avoiding common gas-producing foods etc. But if there is something else behind common causes, it’s hardly safe to postpone doctor visit.
Most common symptoms of abdominal bloating are visible or can be felt by the patient. Some of the signs are burping, belching, flatulence, uneasiness in chest, abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain etc.
To avoid this condition, if your doctor has diagnosed you with its causes, you should avoid the things that cause this discomfort. Suppose milk or excessive alcohol triggers this problem in you, you ill do better to avoid it.
If some medicines are not suiting you, you should inform the doctor of the same. If air swallowing is your problem, avoid chewing gums, also don’t drink carbonated beverages; include yoga in your exercise regime and you will see a remarkable improvement in the situation.