Symptoms of Accoustic Neuroma – A Type of Brain Cancer

What are the symptoms of Accoustic Neuroma which is a type of brain cancer?

Brain Cells are fashioned to develop in a certain order but when such an order is disrupted or starts to grow out of turn then possibility of formation of lump in the brain increases which could be benign or malignant.

Benign growth is not likely to spread on to other parts where as in the malignant lump the chance of it spreading to other parts is likely.

The acoustic neuroma develops from schwann cells.

These cells cover the nerve and is therfore this type of tumor is sometimes referred to as schwannoma.

This benign tumour grows at a slow pace and does not spread from its place of origination within the brain.

An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor that develops from the lining of the auditory nerve. This nerve is responsible for balance.

As far as causes of this type of tumor is concerned, apart from the fact that it is linked with neurofibromatosis the cause of acoustic neuroma are not known.

Research institutes are on the job carrying out researches for more possible causes.

Symptoms of Accoustic Neuroma

Acoustic neuroma is a very slow growing tumor and therefore the symptoms ad signs also show very slowly.

Sometimes it may take several years for the symptom to surface properly for one to be able to actually read it.

The most often and commonly read symptom is difficult in hearing or loss of hearing completely over a period of time in the affected ear.

The patient may also experience a buzzing or ringing noise in the ear or a feeling of fullness in the affected ear.

Such people may be seen walking awkwardly or stumbling and facing problems to keep their balance. All these are signs accoustic tumor.

If this lump is spreading in other areas weakening of facial muscles one one side may be experienced.

Sometimes numbness in half of the face can also be experienced.

Headache is experienced in case of large tumors. This is due to blockage in flow of cerebrospinal fluid which causes headaches and sight changes.

Some people develop bilateral tumors also. Meaning, patients have tumors affecting both sides of the brain.

Diagnosis happens after a patient going through one or more of these tests, MRI, CT Scan and Never Test.

Treatments vary and are decided after taking an individual case into consideration.

What may apply to one person may not apply the other.

It could be surgery or radiotherapy.

A patient has a right and freedom to refuse treatment also.
The normal reaction of a person after being diagnosed with Accoustic neuroma in majority of the cases is abnormal emotional outburst.

Many such people find it helpful to talk about it with their doctor or caregivers, friends, family members, or with one of our support service nurses.

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