How Safe is Swimming

I personally have an issue with swimming. And lot of my friends and colleagues would give me a; she is going berserk look. But it hasn’t stop me from having an issue with it.

Swimming came for me quite late in life. I was late in learning swimming by several years.

But I had to learn it. I was so fascinated with the idea of swimming – Health, glamour, fascinating costumes, toned body.. everything about this form of exercise was great.

After swimming a few summers I developed a certain unhealthy sickly feeling.

The chemicals, the feeling that water may not be getting purified by the systems completely, so many people, young and old – all coming from different hygienical backgrounds and up-bringing everyone in the same pool! And then I started observing more than swimming.

I have to tell you I was witness to so many actions and incidents, I wish I had not come across, that it filled me with a feeling that I did not want to swim next season.

I wanted to shout from the rooftop and advice people not to go for that form of exercise unless they had access to a private pool of a family friend. I was so paranoid that I wanted to go further and tell them in the same breath that if they were using a private family pool of a friend, they must make sure they were following hygiene routines like religion.

At some point of time it also struck that may be I was going overboard. But in the end I thought I was right and in my senses. I began looking up the net to see if more people shared my thought and I found that hundreds of them did. So I thought of putting it all down and take it further.

Kinds of Diseases one Can Catch From Swimming

Diarrhea, infections of skin and ear. Respiratory infections have also been linked to swimming.

Diarrhea is one of the most common illnesses associated with swimming.

Diarrhea is spread when disease-causing germs from human or animal feces get into the water. You are likely to get infected with diarrhea if you swallow water in the pool even by accident that contains these germs.

One can also get Diarrhea by swimming in the ocean.

It is said that Chlorine kills the germs no its not entirely true.

It is true that Chlorine does a good job of killing most germs, but it does not sterilize the water. Some germs can survive in the pool or sp.

Chlorine must be maintained at proper levels to kill most germs. But the high water temperature of hot tubs and spas may cause chlorine to evaporate faster.

As a result of this the chlorine levels in hot tubs and spas need to be checked more often than in swimming pools. People assume that since they can smell chlorine in the water the germs must be dead. But in reality this is not the case.

The water may still not be germ free.

Do not swim in areas that have been identified by health departments as unsafe.

Do not swim in warm, stagnant, fresh water.

To prevent an infection by Naegleria, avoid swimming in small shallow ponds or areas.

Naegleria is a germ that is found in warm, stagnant bodies of fresh water and can be a cause of severe diseases.

You should notify the pool attendant if you see fecal matter in the pool.

In spite of all this this the blue water tempts me every time I see a pool.

It looks so clean, vast and inviting. And I know I will take the plunge someday. I am not averse to the idea of swimming once in a while for fun but swimming as an exercise may not happen.

I had planned I will swim when I am pregnant. Now I think I will only dream the. No chemicals and hygiene issues there.

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